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Sunday Country Buffet


Fried Chicken
Fried Chicken Livers
Baked Ham
Roast Beef and Gravy
Whole Catfish

Baked chicken n rice
Mashed Potatoes
Dressing and Giblet Gravy
Broccoli or Squash Casserole

Stewed Tomatoes
Sweet Potatoes
*Baby Limas (Subject to change)

*Butter Peas (Subject to change)
Collard Greens
Green Beans
Creamed Corn
Rolls and Cornbread
Peach and Blackberry Cobbler

Apple cobbler

Banana Pudding

Chocolate E'clair

Strawberry shortcake

*Pistachio Ice box

*Lemon Ice box



seasonal soups

chicken n dumplings

*Includes Fresh Salad , and Dessert Bar

**Bring your Church Bulletin for an additional $1.00 off


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